The Ideal Employee: Why He Is Dangerous to His Colleagues

24.07.2024 10:20
Updated: 28.09.2024 01:32

The ideal employee is not just an employer's dream.

This is also a constant headache for his colleagues, because they are constantly compared to him.

And this is not the most pleasant situation: everyone remembers from childhood moments when their mother praised a neighbor or classmate.

Nobody wants to be worse than an excellent, good or diligent classmate. And at work it is doubly offensive, especially if a person tries, works, improves, and is not appreciated at his true worth. But some Ivanov or Sidorov is regularly cited as an example.

Why is a role model employee dangerous for colleagues?

1. He is an egoist. Yes, outwardly this may not manifest itself in any way: he may be good-natured, friendly, calm and even pretend to be a good comrade.

Photo: Pixabay

But in reality, he cares only about his own well-being. You shouldn't expect help and support from him in difficult times.

In this sense, he is a true lone wolf: he performs his work duties faithfully, but within the limits of what is required. He loves himself too much to overexert himself or take on additional work. And he sincerely does not care about the feelings of other workers.

2. He is hypocritical and two-faced. To please the management, you need to be able to maneuver and adapt. And an honest person does not know how to do this. Therefore, a completely logical conclusion suggests itself: this person is deceiving someone.

Except for himself, of course. Is it possible to be friends with an actor who does not tell the truth? He treats everyone with contempt and disdain. And smiles only for reasons that are clear to him.

Sometimes this is the behavior of people who plan to achieve success with the help of someone specific: the CEO, deputy, immediate superior, senior specialist. But this is not a real smile, it is completely fake.

3. He is prone to deception and for a long time. At a superficial check, he is an ideal worker: all documents are in order, all indicators are the best. Only this may well turn out to be a high-quality forgery.

After all, it is known that first it is necessary to form a certain reputation, and then it will work for a person. Therefore, being a newcomer, a careerist standard really works hard and shows excellent results. And then gradually relaxes, because he knows: he is loved and trusted.

But since he only thinks about his own well-being, he can easily leak information to a competing company for a certain reward. The worst thing is that no one will think about him.

Everyone is looking for a traitor among the inconvenient and lazy employees, but he, it turns out, is in the very epicenter of events. Perhaps he is even involved in various official investigations, where he will learn many more new and interesting things.

Therefore, you shouldn't get close to someone who is adored by your boss. They may also be deceived and not suspect it. In principle, it is undesirable to communicate and be friends with anyone at work, because normal people go to the office not to find friends, but to earn money. Friends are something else. It is better not to have financial ties with them.

Thus, the ideal employee is often a professional deceiver and actor. He is able to pretend to be nice and polite, to agree with his immediate superior, and to always be above suspicion.

This is the main mistake employers make: trusting one person and suspecting the rest.

By doing this, they finally untie the scoundrel's hands: he feels unpunished and calmly carries out various machinations. Unfortunately, this is largely the fault of the directors themselves, who are not distinguished by objectivity and impartiality.

Earlier I talked about why conflicts arise in the enterprise.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief