The problem of the relationship between a boss and a subordinate will never cease to be relevant.
At first this seems abnormal, because it implies that these people need each other: the first one needs a good employee, and the second one needs a competent leader.
But in practice, everything is much worse - people are not really needed by anyone. Those same "crowds of those wishing" who stand behind the fence are the mythical argument of all despots who, by some absurd coincidence, have taken the director's position.

They believe that they can behave as they please, since their employees will tolerate everything in order not to lose their jobs. But only for the time being.
Sometimes health turns out to be more important than a job that you are sick to death of and even disgusted to come to.
The older generation is pressuring the youth with "useful" instructions: "Be patient, it's like this everywhere now, be quiet, don't argue, don't swear!" The following phrase sounds no less "brilliant": "They pay the salary - and thank God!"
To think like this is to disrespect oneself. And if a person considers himself a nonentity who is grateful for the issuance of a legal monetary reward, then why should the management treat him differently? Since he positions himself as a victim, then why not mock him?
There are certain actions of a boss that cannot be ignored.
Raised tone
All issues can be resolved peacefully and civilly. Let him scream at home or in the forest during a walk. But this is an institution where people work. Therefore, you need to behave like a human being, not like a beast. Therefore, at the slightest change in intonation, you should not be embarrassed, but confidently turn around and leave this psychopath's office.
Obscene language
There are no options at all here - interrupt the conversation and until an apology is made, you can completely ignore the boor and not say hello.
Let him be offended or angry. But in principle, it is better not to deal with such types and quickly leave this office, where employees and managers still have not learned human language.
Forced resignation
If a boss doesn’t like a subordinate, it’s his personal grief, but not the latter’s.
Let him leave himself if he's really in trouble and can't live peacefully. But seriously, such conversations are the beginning of the end, because this schemer has already decided everything.
If an employee does not write a letter of resignation of his own free will, he will be bullied and forced out.
It is better not to count on the help of the team - in offices it has long been everyone for himself. In an attempt to hold on, anyone is ready to inform on anyone. Therefore, you can and should leave, but not right away.
It's better to get on the nerves of this "king of blackmail" first - go on a long sick leave, then on vacation, then on sick leave again. And do this several times. And then go out and write a statement.
Stirring up conflicts among employees. This is how the so-called grey cardinals behave, who like to sow discord.
They are always pitting people against each other, have a positive attitude towards reports, and encourage hostility.
The principle "Divide and rule!" is exactly about them. It is clear that people stop trusting each other, expecting a trick from everywhere.
It's worth considering: is it really necessary to work with chameleons who have seven Fridays in a week? It's better to remain a sincere person and leave this hotbed of gossip and intrigue with dignity.
Of course, it’s good not to have a boss at all, but to work for yourself – individual entrepreneurship or freelancing.
I previously talked about how positive thinking can change your business forever.