In hot weather, you should abandon your standard diet.
Eating three meals a day is a suitable option for the cool period.
Heat and stuffiness are reasons for increasing the number of meals.

Yes, don't be surprised. In conditions of high air temperature you need to eat more often.
However, the portions should not be as large as before.
Following these rules will help a person improve their well-being during hot periods.
How to eat right during hot weather
If it is too hot outside and in the apartment, then avoid heavy foods.
Instead of fast food, French-style meat, fried potatoes and julienne, it is better to eat a light vegetable salad.
In other words, the food consumed should not be high in calories. And it is desirable that the portions be small.
But the number of meals per day should not be three, but five or six.
This approach will help to relieve the feeling of hunger in a timely manner without increasing the load on the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.
As a result, conditions will be created that will make it much easier for a person to survive the heat.