Usually we throw tin cans in the trash without any hesitation.
In vain. These items can become excellent material for creating unique home decor.
The main advantage of this method of working with the interior of a house or apartment is its environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness.

Yulia Tychino, an expert in design and interior design for the online publication BelNovosti, spoke about how exactly tin cans can serve you as stylish household items.
In particular, with their help, the specialist says, it is possible to create original lamps.
To do this, it is enough to apply patterned holes to the walls of the jar, and place a tealight candle inside, the light from which will diffuse beautifully.
You can use tin cans to create larger candle holders.
If you also use other materials in this matter, for example, decorative ribbons and beads, then such an item can even decorate a festive table.
You can also paint the jars or decorate them with different materials (buttons, jute cord, old keyboard components, etc.).
Among the interesting ideas is the creation of an organizer by connecting several jars together.
The main thing is that before you start using such items as decorative elements, you need to remove the labels and wash them.
The jars need to be completely dry before you can use them.