Renovation, frankly speaking, evokes mixed feelings in most people.
On the one hand, renovation allows you to update the interior and create a comfortable living space. On the other hand, it can be associated with large expenses and stress.
In this regard, the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, designer Yulia Tychino shared a simple and economical way of decorating walls using (who would have thought) the most ordinary potato.

In addition to the potato, you will need a couple more things, namely a stationery knife and paint.
First, apply the desired pattern to the wall to make further work with paint convenient. For this, you can use a special chalk pencil - it does not damage the walls and is easily washed off.
The potato needs to be cut into two halves, and the required shape should be cut out on one of them, for example, leaves.
All that remains is to dip the resulting “instrument” into paint and print the design on the wall.
Please note: if the potato is too juicy, blot it with a napkin to remove excess moisture before applying the pattern to the wall. If you are worried that the potato will crumble when applying the pattern, do not press it too hard with your hand.
When you're done, wait for the paint to dry and wipe the markings off the wall.