Some domestic cats have a very nasty character and will not go to the toilet where their owner decides for anything in the world.
In order not to infringe on the rights of the pet, the cat owner has no choice but to put the litter box where his four-legged friend shits. Woe to the one whose cat has chosen the living room.
Yulia Tychino, an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" in the field of design and interior, told how to disguise a cat litter box in the interior.

If the animal continues to insist on its own, the tray has to be disguised.
First option: for the hallway
You can build a box, an ottoman, or adapt a cabinet for this purpose.
The finishing material should be chosen as similar as possible to the dominant one in the interior.
Let's not forget that the cat should be comfortable inside, and changing the filler and cleaning the tray should not be a problem for the owner.
Option two: in the living room
It's scary to think that there will be a cat litter box in the main room of your house or apartment.
In this case, the best way to disguise the animal's "bathroom" is to hide it in a decorative chest or under the shade of spreading branches of house plants.
A palm tree would be the best choice for this task.
Option 3: Universal
This method can be called universal, but it will require major repairs, since you will have to intricately create a box or niche in the wall.
In this case, the tray can be hidden from the most prying eyes and in any room, if the owners have a complex about this.
Earlier, we talked about which kitchen design trends are considered relevant in 2024.