What interior mistakes attract misfortune: check your home before it's too late

26.04.2023 06:20

Each thing has a special energy, therefore it has an impact on the environment and people.

Modern people spend a lot of time and attention to the interior, trying to make the house beautiful and cozy, but forget about energy. Check your interior before it's too late.

After all, mistakes in it can bring misfortune into the life of the whole family.

No to "dead" things

Everyone knows that old, torn and broken things bring negativity. But almost every home also has “dead” things. They can be new, expensive, fashionable and beautiful, but they radiate negative energy. These are the things that are not used or do not bring joy.

A classic example is gifts that are awkward to throw away. A gifted vase sits on the table and does not make anyone happy. It quickly loses its energy charge and begins to "feed" on people, drawing their energy into itself.

Mirror Room
Photo: Pixabay

Unused furniture can also be included in this category. For example, a chest of drawers "collecting" dust in the corner. It is not needed, but it is a pity to throw it away.

Such things should be given away, sold or thrown away.

"Cursed" things

We are not going to talk about things that witches use to cast a spell on people. But the principle of their action is similar. These are things that were given to you or presented not from a pure heart. For example, the giver hates you. Or the person simply feels sorry for the money, but the gift needs to be bought. Or maybe your friend was just in a bad mood at the time of the purchase.

The thing absorbs the negative energy of the giver, and then attracts misfortunes to your home. Such things are easy to recognize. They do not bring sincere joy. A person understands with his mind that he should be happy with such a gift, but this joy does not respond in the heart.

"Crooked" mirrors

The topic of mirrors is a complex topic. It needs to be studied separately. But in general terms, you can't hang a mirror opposite the front door, two mirrors opposite each other, so that the sleeping person is reflected. You should also choose a place where there will be something beautiful in the reflection.

For example, a park in the window or a beautifully decorated wall. Mirrors absorb energy, often negative, so they should not be hung where strangers often go, ugly things are reflected, such as garbage, torn wallpaper or a boring wall. What the mirror reflects, it attracts into the house.

As you can see, in addition to broken dishes, misfortunes in the house can be “organized” by other things. It is important to remember this and from time to time conduct an audit of your interior, getting rid of everything that radiates negativity.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. No to "dead" things
  2. "Cursed" things
  3. "Crooked" mirrors