Where in the interior you can use LED strip, and where you shouldn’t: a huge difference

12.04.2023 13:51

At the stage of renovation work, the issue of lighting is often given very little time.

Because of this mistake, according to the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, designer Yulia Tychino , apartment owners later have to resort to all sorts of tricks to fill the apartment with light.

Often the problem is solved with the help of LED strip.

And, it is worth admitting, this option has significant advantages - you don’t have to rack your brains over the wiring, how to connect another lamp or where to hide the long wire from the floor lamp.

However, all the advantages of LED strips pale in comparison to the harm they cause to the interior, instantly making it cheaper.

Lighting in the kitchen
Photo: © Belnovosti

The room looks especially tasteless when the LED strip was glued in such a way that it remained in plain sight for everyone to see.

Instead, experts advise thinking through several lighting scenarios for a room in advance, rather than settling for cold LED light.

However, as they say, not all is lost: LED strips are still relevant for lighting countertops or shelves located in the pantry.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor