How not to place a bed in the bedroom: these mistakes reduce the quality of sleep and life in general

08.04.2023 05:30

The bed is one of the most important pieces of furniture, because the quality of sleep depends on it, and the quality of sleep depends on the quality of life in general.

A person who sleeps poorly is irritable, always tired, and is constantly stressed. Much depends on the bed itself, but its location in the bedroom is no less important.

Where there is no place for a bed

The following tips will help you avoid some common mistakes when installing a bed in your bedroom.

Remember that the bed should be positioned in such a way as to encourage relaxation.

Where you can't put a bed

Bedroom, bed
Photo: © Belnovosti

1. Under the window. Although this solution may seem convenient in terms of ventilation, it is not the best place to rest. It is noisier near the window than in the back of the room. And the light coming through the glass interferes with the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone). As a result, a person develops insomnia.

2. Opposite the door. A bed located opposite the door can provoke a feeling of anxiety, since it is located in a potentially dangerous point. This develops anxiety, because a person is still subject to the "work" of instincts that are responsible for survival. And instinct says that in places of increased activity it is dangerous. There, an enemy can attack a sleeping defenseless person.

3. Next to a radiator. This location may seem convenient, especially in the cold season. But the air near the radiator is too dry, which has a negative effect on health. And somnologists (sleep specialists) recommend sleeping in a cool place, which is impossible next to a heating source.

4. Under a canopy (in a niche). If there is a niche or an overhanging wall in the room, you should not place a bed there. Yes, on the one hand, this is the safest place, according to the reptilian brain responsible for survival. But at the same time, a small "cave" creates a feeling of tightness and puts pressure on the psyche.

5. In the corner of the room. Like a niche, a corner can be oppressive. Especially for a person who loves spacious rooms, lots of light and freedom.

6. Opposite the mirror. Placing the bed opposite the mirror creates a feeling of anxiety and insecurity. The reflection can frighten an anxious person. And the glare from the window can interfere with a good rest. It is also believed that mirrors are energetically harmful if you reflect in them for a long time. And in a dream, a person is most defenseless, so it is easy to absorb its energy through reflection. Over time, this leads to chronic fatigue, depression, apathy.

It is best to place the bed along the wall. This placement helps to create a feeling of coziness and security, but without the oppressive effect of a niche or corner. With this arrangement, nothing interferes with air circulation, which is very important for healthy sleep.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor