If you are tired of complaining about the lack of space in your apartment, try using the ideas for ergonomic distribution of things from this article.
They were shared by the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, designer Yulia Tychino.
1. Get a vertical cabinet: A tall, floor-to-ceiling pull-out cabinet is the perfect place to store bulky items like an ironing board, mops, and brooms.

2. Use the side of your refrigerator or kitchen cabinet to create a lightweight hanging shelf. This is where you can store spices, cutlery, or other useful little things that you always want to have at hand.
3. Don't leave the gap between the furniture empty. A narrow shelf would fit in here perfectly - depending on the room, it can take on the role of storage for personal hygiene products, sauces and spices, or books and magazines.
4. You can set up a dressing room behind the bedroom door, placing a couple of hooks, a rail for hangers, a wire shelf and a small mirror. Yes, it will be narrow, but it will be enough to leave the necessary minimum of everyday clothes here.
5. If there is a staircase in the house and there is empty space underneath, put a small rack made of wooden boxes here. You can put any accessories inside - hats, bags, umbrellas, or use it to store shoes or books.
6. For a small cabinet under the sink, which usually remains empty, it is worth buying the simplest two-tier shelf. The issue of storing gloves, household chemicals and other household accessories is solved.
7. You can attach another shelf to the wall in the bathroom, equipped with a couple of cups for razors and toothbrushes and a stand for a hair dryer, otherwise you never know where to put it.
8. Here, in the bathroom, it is worth leaving space for a narrow cabinet with several open and several closed compartments - leave hygiene products and household items in it.
9. If you attach a shelf to the toilet tank, you will no longer have to puzzle over where to hide your spare toilet paper.
10. An impressive collection of shoes can be “squeezed” into a wall-mounted rack with rails – in a vertical position, it can take up the entire wall, but it won’t get in anyone’s way.