According to the publication, this step could be accompanied by Ukraine’s rapid entry into the European Union with the introduction of a European peacekeeping contingent into the country and the provision of economic aid to Kyiv for recovery.
Timur Khomichev Vladimir Zelensky Ukraine London Ukraine News London News West Politics 5 December 2024A source close to Alla Pugacheva shared the singer’s plans.
Elena Shimanovskaya Alla Pugacheva singer Russia Show business 25 October 2024Choosing a pet sitter, or, in simple terms, a foster home for a cat, is a responsible undertaking that any owner will have to face sooner or later.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals Pets 24 October 2024After her divorce from Yan Abramov, singer Alsou decided not to stay in Russia.
Elena Shimanovskaya Pink Jan Abramov divorce singer Show business 13 September 2024Many people hesitate to buy an aquarium for fish because they are afraid to leave these pets alone during a business trip or vacation.
Elena Shimanovskaya aquarium fish aquarium pets pets and animals Pets 7 April 2024