Products prepared at home are not only tastier than those bought in stores, but also much healthier.
The same can be said about homemade cottage cheese.
It is enough to get hold of natural yogurt without additives, and consider that the most delicious breakfast is in your pocket: from a kilogram of yogurt you get about half a kilogram of cottage cheese.

In addition to yogurt, make sure you have two saucepans – a tall one with a thick bottom, a colander and cheesecloth.
First, pour the yogurt into a thick-bottomed saucepan and heat it over medium heat.
Continue heating until grains begin to appear - as soon as you see them, turn off the flame.
Leave the yogurt alone for about 15 minutes to allow the whey to separate.
When the time is up, separate the liquid from the curd mass by straining it through cheesecloth (you can use a sieve).
All that remains is to place the colander with the cottage cheese in a saucepan with high sides to get rid of the remaining whey.
Be sure to cover the container with a lid.
If you want to eat cottage cheese just like that, it will be ready to eat in just two hours.
If you plan to use the curd mass to make syrniki, let it stand in this form overnight.