How to Make Your Own Dried Garlic: It's Not That Hard - and the Taste Is Excellent

11.01.2024 17:50

Dried garlic feels great in borscht, soups, casseroles and stews.

In addition, this spice only emphasizes the taste of meat dishes and can be used as a flavorful addition to minced meat.

Instead of listing all the ways to use dried garlic in the kitchen (and believe me, there are many), we suggest you learn how to prepare this spice yourself.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To do this, peel the garlic, wash the cloves and cut them into thin slices.

Place the resulting blanks in an electric dryer, where they will spend about 7-8 hours.

You will know that the garlic is ready for further “manipulation” when you see that the slices have acquired a creamy shade and become brittle.

After this, all you have to do is grind the dried vegetable and pour the resulting powder into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

From 3 kg of fresh garlic you should get about 500 g of natural and very aromatic seasoning.

Previously, we talked about how to improve the taste of mashed potatoes.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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