Solyanka was loved not only in the USSR, but it is still the most delicious of the first courses. The soup is swept off the tables faster than others and the recipe is called legendary.
Let's remember how to prepare this hearty and warming soup, which can be served even at friendly gatherings.
To prepare you will need:
- beef - 160 g;
- butter - 20 g;
- onions - 40 g;
- pickled cucumbers - 40 g;
- tomato puree - 35 g;
- flour - 6 g;
- any broth - 80 g;
- garlic, herbs, spices to taste.
How to cook
1. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry for a few minutes.

2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes, fry together with the meat in a frying pan.
3. Then add tomato puree and simmer over low heat.
4. At this time, peel and seed the pickled cucumbers, cut into cubes and add to the mixture. Salt, spices and garlic to taste.
5. Then mix together with sautéed flour, add the mixture to the broth and cook until done over medium heat.
Before serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.
Previously it was reported how to cook beets correctly.