Due to the fact that potato peels contain no less usefulness than the vegetable itself, mashed potatoes from unpeeled tubers will be incomparably healthier than the traditional version, for which the potatoes must be peeled.
The dish turns out especially tasty if young potatoes were used for its preparation. In addition to the main ingredient weighing 600 g, you will also need:
- 50 g bacon;
- 100 g sour cream;
- 50 g hard cheese;
- 30 g fresh herbs;
- 5 g salt.

First of all, wash the tubers thoroughly, wiping them thoroughly with a brush.
Cut the potatoes in half and the bacon into small pieces. The cheese should be grated and the washed greens should be finely chopped.
The potatoes should be boiled - 20 minutes on high heat will be enough, and the bacon should be fried - 5 minutes on the same high heat. There is no need to grease the surface of the frying pan.
Start making the mashed potatoes: drain the water from the potatoes and mash them with a masher. After adding salt and sour cream, mash the contents of the saucepan again.
All that's left is to add the cheese and bacon and mix the mashed potatoes. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.
Earlier we talked about how to deliciously cook the most ordinary pearl barley .