If the dough has not reached the desired state, this is not a reason to throw away the workpiece.
Yeast dough is easy to prepare. But sometimes mistakes happen, so the dough does not reach the required volume.
Often the problem is not that the cook made a mistake. It is the dry yeast that may not cope with its function.

If the miracle doesn’t happen, then there are two options: throw away the dough or use a simple trick.
If the second option is chosen, then the preparation only needs to be slightly adjusted and excellent pies will come out of it.
How to fix dough
Experienced cooks advise taking the same products as for the previous dough: yeast (10 g), granulated sugar (20 g) and flour (100 g). Cooks advise heating the water (50 ml) to 36 °C.
The ingredients are mixed, left to stand for 15 minutes and added to the dough that has not risen. After this, the workpiece will reach the desired state and you can move on to the next stage.