Whatever a mother says to her daughter, a father's words always sound more convincing. Because a daughter definitely has no more authoritative opinion than her father's.
It is what girls hear from their fathers that determines their happiness in life.
These words are easy to remember, but you need to say them as often as possible.

First - words of recognition
Before marriage, a girl's father's opinion is the most important and she will listen to your every word.
It is believed that 95% of girls wonder if they are worthy of being loved.
The most authoritative man, i.e. the daughter's father, should dispel all doubts. Therefore, tell your daughters more often that you love them.
The second is compliments.
Don't be shy about telling your daughter that she is beautiful and that she shouldn't doubt her attractiveness.
But she has so many competitors around her – top models, actresses and just friends who seem better and more beautiful. There should be no doubts, regardless of outfits and jewelry.
Third, don’t hide your pride.
Any achievement of a girl should make her father feel proud. Especially when the child is still searching for himself.
In adolescence, this moment is even more important. Hearing such words, your daughter will understand that your opinion is important, and she will doubt herself less.
Fourth – words of encouragement
It is important to be able to always support your child. It is not a fact that this will be the right choice, but the daughter should be occupied: no matter what happens, the father will always support her and come to the rescue.
At the same time, you need to be able to carefully give advice to correct mistakes.
For reference
The word “daddy” in Russian became widespread among the nobility, possibly of French origin (French papa).