How to help a schoolchild overcome fear of tests: valuable advice given to parents

28.02.2024 17:32

Younger and older students sometimes experience anxiety or real fear before a test or other challenge.

Even a prepared child can make a mistake or forget how to solve a problem in such a situation.

Experts gave parents valuable advice.

Parents scolding their children won't make things better. But if you calm them down or reduce their focus on getting only good grades, then the results will be better, psychologist Elena Morozova told FederalPress in an interview.

In short, parents should stop scolding and punishing their children for bad grades at school.

Photo: © Belnovosti

On the contrary, reducing the focus on exceptionally high grades will help the child achieve higher academic results.

The main thing is that children learn the school curriculum.

In addition, you must not be lazy in working on your mistakes.

Parents should explain to their school-age child that mistakes are also an experience that helps them grow and achieve results.

Previously, we talked about how parents and children can get along under the same roof .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor