Many tea lovers squeeze the tea bag into their cup every time, almost to the last drop.
At first glance, this habit is quite harmless.
But in reality, performing this action can lead to dangerous consequences.
Why You Shouldn't Squeeze a Tea Bag into Your Cup
Tea poured with boiling water releases tannins into the liquid.
The latter do not harm the body if their quantity is minimal.
On the contrary, a positive result appears: the person who drinks the drink gets a boost of energy.
But the situation changes if you start squeezing the tea bag.
In this case, the content of tannins in the tea will be too high. As a result, the drink will even become harmful to health.
In addition, the drink will become excessively bitter.
How to brew tea correctly
Pour boiling water over the tea bag, wait 3-5 minutes and remove the bag.
No need to squeeze anything! Just throw away the bag.
Trying to “squeeze” a few drops of the drink out of the bag is pointless: the volume will increase slightly, and the tea will become less tasty and more harmful.