Many people love cocoa. Yes, it is very tasty. But is the drink healthy? At least, is it healthy for everyone?
In fact, this issue is not so simple. Experts warn: cocoa can cause harm for a certain group of people.
First of all, citizens with problems with the gastrointestinal tract are advised to refrain from using it.
In particular, those who have increased stomach acidity and people with ulcers.
This hot drink stimulates the production of gastric juice.
In addition, experts recommend that those whose nervous system is characterized by increased excitability forget about cocoa.
Well, in other cases, cocoa is given the “green light,” but they warn you not to overdo it.
Maximum – two cups a day. If more, an allergic reaction may occur.
For reference
Cocoa is a drink that necessarily contains ground cocoa, as well as milk (or water) and sugar.