The skin on your face can peel due to a variety of reasons.
The main one is dry skin. The problem is aggravated in winter, when the skin is affected by sub-zero temperatures, strong winds and radiators with heaters.
Sometimes skin begins to peel due to sunburn or skin diseases, as well as genetic diseases and thyroid problems.

In addition, the skin does not always “like” overly active care, to which it can respond with peeling, burning, tightness, tingling and itching.
What to do if your skin is peeling
This type of skin needs moisturizing. Make sure that the product you choose is fragrance-free.
Be sure to protect your skin from the sun, drink enough water, and see a doctor.
What not to do
While you are waiting for your appointment with a dermatologist, do not pick off the scales under any circumstances, so as not to injure the skin even more. If the peeling is caused by sunburn, the skin should also be left alone.
Don't get carried away with frequent washing and taking long baths - try to keep it to 101-5 minutes, and turn on only warm water (not hot).
Cosmetics can make the situation worse, so avoid products that contain acids and retinol. You should also avoid brushes with scrubs - they dry and irritate the skin even more.
For reference
Skin is the outer covering of the body of animals (including humans) – an organ.