There is no need to remind people that human existence is impossible without water.
But we must not forget that our health, as well as how we feel and even how we look, depend on the quality of drinking water.
A number of signs indicate that water is unfit for consumption, for example, a change in its color or the smell inherent to the liquid.

All these changes signal to us that there are toxins in the fluid that can harm our body.
Scientists from the United States, who analyzed the quality of tap water, came to the conclusion that it may contain carcinogenic pollutants, in particular arsenic and radioactive elements.
Drinking liquids with this composition increases the risk of cancer.
Let's give an example: if the water is cloudy, it is likely that dangerous chemical elements will be found in its composition.
In turn, the contents of the cup acquire a yellow tint as a result of oversaturation with iron, copper or lead.
You can tell that there is too much copper in the water if it turns green.
Did you smell a rotten smell from the water? It appears because of hydrogen sulfide. You shouldn't quench your thirst from such a source.
A “fishy” smell, which indicates a high level of barium, should also be a cause for concern.
Finally, increased water hardness indicates that it has too much magnesium and calcium. Let us remember: hard water harms skin and hair without us noticing. It makes your locks dry and dull, and your skin itches and becomes irritated.