Scientists have managed to find out which hair dyes may pose the greatest danger to human health.
The palm of primacy was awarded to dark-colored paints.
The main reason is that such paints often contain resorcinol.

This component is used exclusively in dark shades of paint to facilitate the removal of pigment that has come into contact with the skin.
However, resorcinol is a highly toxic substance.
It can cause allergies and can also negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system.
Since 2021, resorcinol has been included in the list of substances posing a serious threat to health in a number of European countries.
But that's not all: it turns out that many dark paints contain lead and mercury salts known as plumbates and mercuriates.
These toxic substances can accumulate in the body, resulting in serious poisoning.
Lead and mercury are especially harmful to the kidneys and liver, since these are the organs that are most at risk from exposure to these chemical compounds.
Therefore, the next time you go to the store to buy hair dye, carefully study the composition of your future purchase.
You must be sure that the paint does not contain any components that can harm your hair or your overall health.