Scientists have once again warned humanity about the dangers of such a seemingly harmless procedure as drying clothes in an apartment.
That's exactly what it seemed. In reality, such an action is fraught with disastrous consequences for the inhabitants of the house.
Drying clothes in rooms is especially dangerous for those with problems with the immune system, as well as for people with asthma.

Plus 30%
This is because when drying wet clothes on radiators or doors, the humidity in the room increases significantly – by about 30%.
Thus, with our own hands we create ideal conditions for the vigorous activity of mold spores, which leads to great harm to our health.
In particular, Aspergillus fumigatus spores can cause complex lung diseases.
Scientists have found that the number of citizens affected by Aspergillus fungal spores is increasing every year.
Experts say: one batch of wet clothes after washing contains about 2 liters of water, which completely evaporates in the room.
Even to the point of death
Many citizens have a fairly strong immune system, which allows them to prevent fungal and mold spores from overpowering their bodies.
But asthmatics or people with weakened immune systems, especially after a history of lung disease, may be affected.
They may experience coughing and choking attacks, which can have extremely serious consequences, including death.
The situation is further aggravated by the use of humidifiers in apartments in winter (many people believe that the air in their homes is too dry).
However, research shows that in many homes, humidity levels are, on the contrary, excessively high during the winter.
Moreover, in a third of cases, such excess moisture levels are due to the fact that people dry wet clothes directly in their rooms.
Scientists recommend doing this on the balcony or outside, and also advise monitoring to ensure that mold does not appear in the apartment.