The aging process affects every organ of the human body, and the skin is no exception.
The first signs of old age – expression wrinkles – appear on the face after 25 years, and over the years they only increase, becoming deeper and more pronounced.
To maintain youth, you can contact a cosmetologist who will recommend specific medications or advise hardware rejuvenation procedures.

But you can also use home methods.
1. To postpone wrinkles “for later”, you can make masks from available products.
Ingredients such as honey, sour cream, eggs, apricots, aloe, etc. have proven effective in this regard.
2. It is also recommended to practice self-massage.
Stroking and patting movements have many benefits: they accelerate blood flow, enhance the penetration of skin care products, and perform other important functions.
3. Why not try compresses? You can apply potato slices to your face or make compresses using ice cubes, herbal infusions, sea salt solution, etc.
The main thing to remember always, including in the race for youth: the methods used, first of all, must be safe.
You can find all sorts of advice on the Internet: for example, you may come across a recommendation to wash your face with vinegar – supposedly this procedure prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
But remember: in this case, there is a high chance of getting a burn of the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes. Such consequences, you must agree, are much more dangerous than natural aging.