Activated carbon, which is easily available at any pharmacy, is a popular absorbent.
For unknown reasons, some people are devout about the idea that black pills can remove stains from their teeth or make their smile whiter.
In fact, the use of this product for other than its intended purpose should be approached with great caution.
According to experts from the American Dental Association, there is no scientific evidence to support this fact.
Moreover, activated carbon can be too aggressive for teeth, even when used in toothpaste format.
The use of this product often results in damage to the enamel.
If you scrape it with too hard instruments (and activated carbon is one of them), there can be no talk of any whitening.
As a result, you will reach the next layer of the tooth, that is, the yellowish dentin.
For reference
Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that changes the shade of tooth enamel.