Apply this mask before going to bed: in the morning your hands will be velvety, like after a beautician

04.01.2025 16:03

In winter, many people face the problem of dry and cracked skin on their hands. The situation is only aggravated by the need to wash your hands frequently or work with chemicals.

If you want to moisturize and restore your skin, return it to softness and smoothness, use masks that can be easily made at home.

With glycerin and fermented milk product

For this mask, you will need to mix 0.5 teaspoon of glycerin, 10 g of honey and 40 g of any fermented milk product - this could be kefir, sour cream or even cottage cheese.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The mixture should be spread on your hands in a thick layer, and then you should put on gloves to enhance the effect.

Wait 40-50 minutes, after which you will see for yourself that your skin has regained its softness and velvetiness. After the mask with glycerin and fermented milk product, your hands will be moisturized for a long time.

With glycerin and honey

1 tablespoon of coarse flour, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and water.

Mix 1 tablespoon each of coarse flour, honey and glycerin, then gradually add water until you get a paste-like consistency.

Apply the mixture generously to your hands and wait 15-20 minutes. If necessary, the mask exposure time can be increased.

This mask deeply moisturizes the skin, after which you will forget about dryness and cracks. In addition, it helps improve blood circulation in the skin.

With glycerin and potatoes

You need to boil 1-2 potatoes, then mash them and mix with 10 g of glycerin. If the mask is too dry, dilute it with a small amount of water.

The mask should be kept on your hands for 20-30 minutes, and for better results you can wrap your hands in a warm cloth or put on gloves.

Glycerin and potatoes in the mask perfectly moisturize the skin and make hands soft and gentle. The mask will be especially effective if you do this procedure several times a week.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. With glycerin and fermented milk product
  2. With glycerin and honey
  3. With glycerin and potatoes

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