"You need to brush your teeth twice a day." Everyone has probably heard of this rule.
Most people follow this recommendation. And they are right to do so.
However, in many cases the hygiene procedure is performed too quickly.

But there is no need to hurry! This approach leads to plaque remaining on the surface of the teeth. In addition, not all food debris is removed.
How to check if you are brushing your teeth correctly
Next time you take a mechanical stopwatch or a mechanical wristwatch into the bathroom.
Find out the exact duration of the procedure you are undergoing.
How long did you brush your teeth? Two minutes or more? That's good: it means you're doing it right.
Caries is not a threat to you. At least, the probability of this disease appearing is not very high.
But if the duration of the hygienic procedure was less than 120 seconds, then know: you are in too much of a hurry. This approach can lead to the appearance of various oral diseases.
Spend at least 2 minutes brushing your teeth. And then you will have fewer visits to the dentist.