To get rid of unwanted hair on your body, you can use epilation or resort to depilation.
Today we suggest you find out what the difference is between these procedures, because many still consider these names to designate the same process.
What is the difference between epilation and depilation
During depilation, only the outer part of the hair is removed, while the follicle remains intact.

This means that after some time the hair will grow back again.
Unlike depilation, epilation affects the entire hair, including its root. As a result of epilation, you can get rid of hair for a long time, or even forever.
This is undoubtedly the main advantage of the procedure, while the strong advantages of depilation are somewhat different - accessibility and speed.
Regardless of which method you choose, remember that each of them has a negative effect on the skin, causing damage, inflammation, dryness, ingrown hairs and other problems, so after any procedure, appropriate care is needed.
Earlier we talked about how to keep your heart healthy in the heat.