In autumn, a problem such as the onset of corrosion processes on the surface of the car may make itself known.
This phenomenon is explained very simply: usually in the autumn there is a lot of precipitation, the humidity increases, and therefore the car body rusts.
Fortunately, it is quite possible to protect your car from corrosion.

Before the period of severe cold weather sets in, the driver must perform several simple procedures.
How to prevent rust from spreading on your car body
First, the motorist needs to visit a car wash. It is necessary to remove dirt from the car's surface. Without this action, you cannot proceed to the next one.
Washed your car? Inspect the body carefully! Your task is to find all the scratches and chips.
The fact is that damaged areas can become the places from which rust will begin to spread.
Of course, all detected damage must be repaired. Scratches can be painted over with a protective pencil.
The use of such products as aerosol and hard wax is also encouraged.
If serious damage is detected, you should not try to fix it yourself. It is better to seek help from professionals.