Beltekhosmotr gave drivers 1 day: don't miss your chance

25.10.2024 20:15

This Sunday, some drivers will be able to get their vehicle inspected at a big discount.

This was reported by the press service of the Republican Unitary Service Enterprise "Beltekhosmotr" in Telegram.

Where you can get a technical inspection with a big discount on Sunday

On October 27, a technical inspection with a 40% discount will be available in Minsk at diagnostic station No. 210 on 26/13 Socialisticheskaya Street and in Vitebsk at station No. 167 on 6th Surazhskaya Street.

diagnostic station
Photo: © Belnovosti

The event is timed to coincide with the Day of the Motorist and Road Worker, celebrated on the last Sunday of October.

A 40 percent discount on technical inspection will apply to all types of vehicles owned by individuals.

Earlier, Beltekhosmotr reminded about the responsibility for driving a vehicle without a technical inspection.

For individuals, a fine of up to 3 BV is provided. If the violation is recorded by a camera, the fine is 1.5 BV.

For a repeated violation within a year, the maximum fine is 5 BV if stopped by a traffic police officer and 2 BV if recorded by a camera.

For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, the maximum fine is 10 base units.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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