Will puzzle many. It became known whether shaving foam is needed when using an electric razor

26.12.2024 09:48

It is believed that when using an electric razor there is no need for additional use of various cosmetic products.

In particular, this opinion comes from men who practice electrical appliances.

They say that shaving foam, moisturizer or lotion are not necessary.

But is this really true? Experts have given an interesting answer.

According to them, it all depends on what specific type of electric shaver you use.

Photo: Pixabay

Today, most modern devices allow both “dry” and “wet” shaving.

The first is without the use of additional funds, the second is with them.

Cosmetologists recommend that men with sensitive skin prone to inflammation choose the last of the named shaving methods.

In this case, before the process, it is recommended to wash, wipe your face and apply a care product.

Only then do experts recommend proceeding directly to shaving.

If there are no skin problems, you can shave immediately, that is, without using additional products.

However, even for this category of citizens, cosmetologists advise using a lotion or cream with a softening and soothing effect after shaving.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor