If you prefer to spend the holidays at home and invite guests to your place, you probably know how to play Tetris, trying to fit all the food into the refrigerator before and after the celebration.
We will tell you how to emerge from this game as a winner in this article.
First of all, remove everything from the refrigerator that you don’t need.
If you store vegetables in it, find a place for them on the balcony - nothing bad will happen to them in a couple of days, and cosmetic masks can stay in the bathroom for a while.
All expired products should go straight into the trash.
It is better to separate all products placed in the refrigerator for storage into groups: dairy products should be kept together, as well as fruits and vegetables, etc.
As a result of such zoning, you will not have any difficulty finding the product you need.
This means that the refrigerator door will be open for less time, the temperature inside the refrigerator will be maintained at a stable level, and the food will stay fresh longer.
To ensure a good view of the contents of the refrigerator, place tall items at the back and compact items at the front.
It makes sense to place products with a long shelf life on the refrigerator door, which is its warmest place, rather than those that spoil quickly and easily.
To avoid problems with placing large products in the refrigerator, simply adjust the height of the shelves.
If you plan to store a main dish (duck, chicken or turkey) in the refrigerator, place it in the center so it can absorb more cold air.