When we buy food products, we always hope that they are of decent quality.
But some manufacturers prefer to save money.
As a result, we may end up buying something completely different from what we planned. It is known that honey is very easy to counterfeit. As a result, instead of a healthy product with excellent potential, we consume a fake. Of course, sour cream is not counterfeited. However, a low-quality fermented milk product may contain additives that should not be there.
You will need to put some sour cream in a separate container. One spoon will be enough. After that, you need to drop iodine.
Just one drop will help to achieve a reaction.
If the sour cream has not changed color, then we have a good quality product. If a blue tint has appeared, then this is not the best example of sour cream.
Honey can be tested in a similar way. Take a small spoon of honey from the jar and dilute it in a glass of warm water. Again add a few drops of iodine.
If the liquid turns bluish, the honey is of low quality.