3 Household Habits That Only Real Clean People Have: Worth Taking On Board

07.07.2024 10:50

Many housewives complain that, despite the time spent cleaning, the apartment is still a mess.

What to do? Arm yourself with habits that only true clean freaks have – we’ll tell you about them in more detail.

Make your bed

The first and most important rule is to always make your bed. If you want your home to be clean, cozy, where you yourself would like to return and would not be ashamed to invite guests, train yourself to be tidy, even in such a small thing as a made bed.

Important: do not throw a blanket on your bed immediately after waking up - instead, throw the blanket back for 20-30 minutes so that the bed linen has time to dry. This will significantly reduce the population of dust mites, which are present in every bed.

Remove dishes from the dishwasher

If you have a dishwasher, don't be lazy and take 5 minutes to unload it - you can do it while your hair is drying or while your coffee is brewing. In the evening, when you return home, you will find your appliances ready to go.

Cleaning products
Photo: © Belnovosti

If you have to wash dishes by hand, don’t put it off until later – let the rule of washing cups and plates immediately after a meal become firmly established in your family.

Put your clothes in the closet as soon as you undress.

To avoid having to look for socks and wonder why there is a stain on your dress and why your apartment is in chaos, do not throw your clothes around when you return from a walk or work, but fold them neatly and put them in the closet.

Earlier, BelNovosti explained why you shouldn’t leave the washing machine door open.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Make your bed
  2. Remove dishes from the dishwasher
  3. Put your clothes in the closet as soon as you undress.