Let's imagine a situation: the housewife put several spoons and forks in a deep container, and then poured mineral water over these cutlery.
“What was that?” many will probably think.
At first glance, the woman did something strange and just wasted mineral water, which, by the way, is not that cheap.
But we hasten to “defend” the hostess: she acted cunningly and absolutely correctly.
The fact is that mineral water has a positive effect on the appearance of cutlery.
Take a bowl or a deep plate, put spoons and forks in the chosen dish.
Pour mineral water into the same container. The liquid should at least partially cover each cutlery.
Wait 2-3 hours, then rinse the devices with plain water and wipe them with a clean towel.
This liquid will make your cutlery shine.
Even items that seemed very faded will have their appearance improved.
Earlier we told you how to remove rust stains from the toilet.