"Planting" an oil stain is a problem common among housewives who constantly encounter this product.
In such cases, it is simply better not to delay, but to start fighting pollution as soon as possible.
If you do everything correctly, you can get rid of the stain in a matter of minutes.
According to many housewives, this method is the best and most effective, but it should be used immediately.
As soon as you notice a stain, you need to remove the clothes and sprinkle a layer of salt on the oil.
After 15 minutes, we start washing. There will be no trace of oil left.
It is believed that this method will help even if the stain was "planted" quite a long time ago. The method is easy to use.
First, rub the oily stain with gel. Wait for about five minutes. Then take regular laundry soap and wash it.
After this, you can send the item to the wash and evaluate the final result.
Previously, we talked about how experienced housewives use lemons in everyday life .