Everything You Didn't Know About Laundry: Tips Like "My Grandma Did It That Way"

08.02.2024 16:46

Not all advice is equally effective, especially when it comes to washing and when advisers add the phrase “that’s how my grandmother used to do it.”

The difference is that grandma washed clothes by hand, while modern housewives have pretty smart household appliances.

We'll tell you which popular life hacks can ruin, if not your laundry, then your washing machine.


Supporters of this idea say that thanks to the foil, the laundry no longer becomes electrified.

At the same time, dust, hair and other debris supposedly settle on the balls themselves.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In reality, pieces of foil can stick to linens and clothing, clog the drain filter and stick to the heating element.


It is recommended to use it as a booster for washing powder. But it is difficult to predict what reaction to expect from the contact of soda and powder. In addition, the life hack should not be used when washing delicate fabrics.


As housewives assure, vinegar cleans the machine of everything and gives the laundry a fresh smell.

But home appliance service technicians criticize this life hack and, as a last resort, advise using citric acid.

Previously, we talked about how to deal with rodents if you don’t want to use poison.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Foil
  2. Soda
  3. Vinegar