There are many signs associated with indoor plants, and the delicate violet is no exception.
It is believed that this plant does not promise anything good in personal life, but this is on the one hand. On the other hand, violet can improve financial situation.
People believe that the round leaves of the plant look like coins, which means that the violet can attract wealth to the house, but there is one catch.
In order for the violet to start working for the thickness of your wallet, just place it in the right place.
People familiar with the terminology of Feng Shui have probably heard something about the wealth zone. This is where the violet should rest.
There is nothing easier to find this zone. It is the south-eastern part of the apartment or house.
Here you can also grow a money tree, and in addition put a couple of violets or simply put a composition of three violets here, complementing it with a money toad.
Don't forget that this plant loves diffused sunlight. In the southern part, the violet can burn in the sun, and in the north it will be dark for it.
Previously, we talked about what indoor plants should grow in the bedroom .