How to Remove Black Mold from Windows: The Safest Method

27.12.2023 12:35

During the colder months, homes become more vulnerable to mold, which forms due to high humidity, poor ventilation and low temperatures on the glass surface.

But if the problem has already appeared, then you need to immediately take measures to combat it.

If the affected area is small, the products that you already have on hand will help.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the solution of laundry soap and water.

In addition, you can remove mold using a solution based on vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaning products
Photo: © Belnovosti

As for regular bleach, you shouldn't use it, otherwise you can damage the finish.

During the cleaning process, you also need to take care of your safety.

It is important to use a mask and gloves.

If you ignore this rule, there is a risk of allergic reactions and other health problems due to mold.

Previously, we talked about which plants help get rid of mold and condensation on windows.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

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