How to quickly and effectively remove sweat stains from clothes: experienced housewives shared working methods

23.10.2023 13:44

Sweat stains can ruin any garment, but they are especially damaging to white items.

After washing, stains may still remain.

Because of this, some people start to think that things are no longer usable. However, they can still be put in order.

What needs to be done for this?

Make a "cocktail" of ammonia and vodka

Such a successful combination of active components will help remove traces of sweat, stains and unpleasant odors as quickly as possible. Both components are usually taken in equal proportions.

Afterwards, spread the composition on the contaminated area for 15 minutes. Then you need to rinse the clothes in water. An important point is the temperature of the liquid: it should be cold.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Classic saline solution

This method has also been used for a long time by experienced housewives. In a glass of water, dissolve a few spoons of salt. Then treat the stain.

You should wait about five minutes. Then you can put the item in the washing machine.

Regular soda

This powder can also come to the rescue. You will need to bring the soda to the state of paste. Leave the prepared composition on the stain for 60 minutes.

Then wash carefully.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What needs to be done for this?
  2. Make a "cocktail" of ammonia and vodka
  3. Classic saline solution
  4. Regular soda