How to make bleach from improvised means: not all housewives know

08.10.2023 20:00

Bleach is a very useful and necessary thing in the household, as it allows you to tidy up light-colored items.

Industrial bleach does an excellent job of its intended purpose.

But many housewives note that the product has a negative effect on the quality of the fabric. It begins to wear out faster and lose its normal appearance.

Therefore, you can make your own bleach. It will remove yellow and gray tones from the fabric, but the fabric will not be exposed to aggressive influences.

How to make bleach

To begin, you will need to take half a bar of laundry soap, grind it and place it in a large saucepan with hot water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Next, add half a glass of regular baking soda.

We mix our composition.

For aromatization, add five drops of any essential oil. The composition can be enhanced with citric acid - it copes with stains perfectly.

If you want to add softness to your homemade bleach, add regular salt.

Towels or bed linen are kept in such a solution for three hours. The result will be amazing.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor