How to Grow Luxurious Eyebrows in 30 Days: Not Everyone Knows These Tricks

22.08.2023 16:30

Many may have noticed that the fashion for natural thick eyebrows does not want to go away, because it looks natural and aesthetically pleasing.

However, not everyone can boast of luxurious eyebrows.

Some people have naturally not very pronounced eyebrows, while others have simply ruined their eyebrows with various cosmetic procedures.

Few people know that any girl can become the owner of luxurious eyebrows. It is enough to just know a couple of secrets.

What do they consist of?

Oil mixture

A very effective remedy for improving the condition of eyebrows is one original composition that will amaze you with its quick results.

Photo: Pixabay

You will need to take one part of camphor oil, three parts of castor oil and six parts of unrefined sunflower oil.

The components are combined and placed in a glass container for storage.

The mixture is applied to the eyebrows every day for a couple of hours. Then the composition is washed off. After 30 days, you will notice a very good result.

Usma oil

This oil is not so widespread and well-known, but it is one of the most powerful means for accelerating the growth of new hair and improving its quality.

Usma oil will not only help make your eyebrows thicker, but the appearance of your hair will also be very aesthetic.

Literally a few drops of valuable oil should be applied to the eyebrows with massage movements at night. In the morning, the product can be washed off.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What do they consist of?
  2. Oil mixture
  3. Usma oil