Some modern housewives have forgotten that starch can be actively used in washing matters.
This product has been used for decades to care for things.
If you wear sneakers and other closed shoes in the summer, you probably encounter the problem of a very persistent unpleasant odor.
However, starch will quickly and clearly eliminate this deficiency.
Pour the powder into the shoes and leave for a few hours. You can forget about the smell problem.
Many people remember "starched" underwear and shirts that look fresh and well-groomed. Using powder for this purpose is also easy.
To do this, you need to dissolve a small amount of potato starch in the rinse water.
Sometimes the smell of sweat is difficult to remove even by washing. In this case, it is worth paying attention to one simple method. You just need to take a thing with an unpleasant smell, treat it with starch and put it in a bag for several hours.