Anyone can experience bad dreams, as the nature of their formation is not fully understood.
It is common to associate the occurrence of nightmares with a tense psychological environment, traumatic events, or even unpleasant communication.
However, it is possible to get rid of these dreams.
Some may see this as a belief in mysticism and esotericism, but the influence of crystals and stones on a person’s condition is obvious.
If you put an amethyst under your pillow, you can improve your sleep.
Since the flower is too fragrant, its quantity should be adjusted depending on your preferences. Also, the flowers themselves can be replaced with essential oil.
This habit will also help overcome insomnia.
Lavender is not the only one that has the ability to protect our night's rest from nightmares. You can make a special sachet in which you mix a small willow branch, a few spoons of chamomile and a little hops.