Many cutting boards have a hole in the edge.
Many housewives are sure that this is nothing more than the handle of the device.
However, contrary to popular belief, the slot has a completely different purpose.
It turns out that this hole makes it much easier to transfer chopped food onto a plate.
When cutting meat products, onions, carrots, apples, dill or parsley, many cooks face a small problem.
Thus, the resulting pieces or particles can be very difficult to pour from the cutting board into the dish.
Often, some of the chopped product may end up not on the plate, but on the countertop.
To prevent this problem, a slot on the board is used.
Simply point the fruit or vegetable cubes into this hole with a knife and the food will hit the target.
Despite the recommendation, no one forbids using the slot on the cutting board as a handle.
And why not, if it is so convenient for the hostess?
Just don't forget that the hole has a main purpose.