Why you should always keep a lemon in the freezer: a trick where it will come in handy

23.06.2023 12:41

The fruit can be useful not only in cooking, but also for cleaning.

We'll tell you why it's best to keep lemon in the freezer and how to use it later.

Additional ingredient

The zest is often used for baking. And if it has already been frozen, it will definitely not be bitter. You can also use the zest to make a marinade or seasoning for fish.

Lemon rag

This life hack will help you get rid of dust in your house for a long time.

You need to chop the lemon and pour 7 tablespoons of vegetable oil over it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is desirable that these components be in a jar that can be closed with a lid.

Then the container should be placed in the refrigerator for a week.

The mass needs to be strained, and then a thin microfiber cloth needs to be soaked in it several times.

Once the textile has dried at room temperature, you can begin to wipe surfaces with it.

You can clean with such a “lemon” rag no more than once every week and a half.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. Additional ingredient
  2. Lemon rag