Why summer residents buy shoe covers: you will be surprised when you find out

10.05.2023 16:08

A decent summer resident never wastes anything: he makes fertilizer from food waste, and after a visit to the clinic he doesn’t throw away his shoe covers.

Everyone knows that these people are capable of creating something out of nothing, but the trick with shoe covers was known only to a narrow circle of people until now.

We will tell you why summer residents buy shoe covers, even if they do not intend to use them for their intended purpose.

It is clear that shoe covers that have once been on dirty shoes cannot be used for any delicate purpose.

But already at the dacha, this nondescript piece of polyethylene with an elastic band turns into an irreplaceable thing in the household.

Photo: © Belnovosti

At the very least, shoe covers can be used instead of a lid for a container. Used products are probably only good for covering a container with fertilizers.

Summer residents use clean shoe covers to cover dishes with food leftovers.

They will also help out when you need to cover the harvest of berries collected in buckets from the rain or from those same annoying insects.

And unlike cling film, shoe covers can always be reused.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor