How to remove juice stains from clothes: experienced housewives shared 3 secrets

12.04.2023 19:48
Updated: 15.04.2023 05:42

Many people like to treat themselves to fruit and berry juices, but if the drink is consumed incorrectly, there is a high risk of spilling it on your clothes.

If the juice is brightly colored, removing it may be a challenge.

What tricks are known to housewives?

Just use hot water

If a stain has formed, you shouldn't give it time to "think": you should immediately begin to fight it. One of the easiest ways is hot water - the liquid will quickly remove traces of the drink.

You can also boil the item if it can withstand such temperatures.


It is very easy to remove the stain with vinegar. You need to apply a little vinegar to a cotton pad, treat the stain with juice and wash off the liquid.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Afterwards you can send the item to the wash.

Citric acid with vodka

This method will remove even old juice stains. You will need to take a little citric acid (no more than 2 grams) and put it in a spoon with vodka.

Afterwards, we treat the stain with the prepared product, wash it and rinse off the cleaning agent.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What tricks are known to housewives?
  2. Just use hot water
  3. Vinegar
  4. Citric acid with vodka