Incorrect washing of outerwear may result in whitish water stains remaining on the surface of the item.
Most often, you can get rid of this problem by re-washing with the addition of conditioner and using an enhanced rinse.
Important: clothes also need to be dried correctly – straightened out, away from heating devices and direct sunlight.
There are other ways to remove stains from a jacket or coat.
Thus, lemon juice has received excellent reviews; it should be applied to the stains pointwise and, after waiting half an hour, washed off with water with a small addition of detergent.
No less effective is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (both preparations should be taken in equal quantities).
After the areas with stains are treated, you should wait about 30-40 minutes and rinse the area with water. If necessary, the procedure will have to be repeated.
Important: regardless of which method you choose, it is worth testing the product on an inconspicuous area of the product.